Showing hidden files and folder on Finder (MacOS)

One thing that I miss from Windows is the Windows Explorer (yes, I like it). Finder is not as good as Windows Explorer… Permanent solution I like to see all my files, so to do it on MacOS , open a terminal and type defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true killall Finder Revert changes This setting is persisted even after a restart, so if you want to go back to your previous status (hidden files are hidden), open a terminal again and type: ...

December 26, 2020 · 1 min · Tomás Dias Almeida

Creating a blog using Hugo, travis-ci and Github pages

How I created this blog As many github blogs born and die, my first post is how I created this blog using hugo as static page generator, travis-ci as CI/CD and github pages as page hosting. As I do not want to have 2 separate repositories as proposed by Claudio Jolowicz in his tutorial, I will use the possibility to host the source under main and the page itself under another branch. Github proposes as a standard to use gh-pagesfor the content itself, so I will follow it. ...

December 24, 2020 · 6 min · Tomás Dias Almeida