I am starting my journey with kubernetes (k8s) and I want to share the tutorials and blog posts that I read. In that way I can find them easily too 😬.

Kubernetes basics:

  1. A Beginner’s Guide to Kubernetes: a very complete guide about the kubernetes basics and how they work internally.
  2. An introduction to Kubernetes.: defines kubernetes, pod, deployment, service, ingress, job, kubernetes control plane and when to NOT use k8s.

Kubernetes tools:

  1. Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021: Helm, Kustomize, and Skaffold. Important point here: kustomize is part of kubectl calling kubectl -k, so it will, possibly, become the standard.
  2. How To Manage Your Kubernetes Configurations with Kustomize
  3. Expose Your App to The Internet Using Ingress Controller
  4. kaniko - Build Images In Kubernetes

This list will grow, but if you found any error or want to help me to improve this article, please comment the pull request